Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , April 13th, 2011
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle, Beth VanNess, Howard Lerner, Martin Schlanger
Planning Board Members Absent: Beth VanNess , Ann Krawet arrives at 7:17pm
Members of the public present: Mark Sottile, Bruce Miller, Denis Miller
Meeting opens at: 7: 10 pm
Chairperson, Gale LaBelle, opens meeting and announces that agendas are on the table for anyone who wants them. She advises that the meeting is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the by-laws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from a five member board. The board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of a public hearing and 14 days to file paperwork with the Town Clerk once a decision is made. Any Appeals of decisions can be made only to the court and must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk.
Approval of Meeting Minutes from March 9th, 2011- Ms. Gale LaBelle solicits for a motion; Mr. Lerner states that he would like to make an amendment to the minutes, adding a specific amount of $3100.00 Annual budget for the upcoming fiscal year is what has been approved; Mr. Robert Ronzio makes a motion to accept the minutes as amended; Ms. Krawet seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Public Hearing Continuation- Mark and Kristen Sottile, 609 Main Street, Applicants request a permit for a gas station. Ms. LaBelle advises all present, that Mr. Howard Lerner; Alternate member, is present tonight and will be allowed to vote. Ms. LaBelle goes on to state for the record that Ms. VanNess is absent, however has already recused herself from the hearing due to the fact that she is a direct abutter. Secretary confirms that there has not been any negative feedback from abutters or any objections received. Ms. LaBelle asks Mr. Sottile, applicant, to please approach the board. Mr. Sottile begins by handing out new plans that he has had prepared, entitled, “Concept plans for a filling station in Becket” Mr. Sottile explains that elevation and details have been added. He also
presents the board with a cross- section of the tanks, and at this point he introduces Mr. Bruce Miller to the board and explains that he is there to answer any specific questions that the board members may have. Mr. Miller passes around a sample of the triple-walled pipe that they will be using. Mr. Ronzio asks what fill will be used for the project? Mr. Miller advises that it will be 3/8 pea stone. Mr. Schlanger asks if the parking in front of the store will be changing? Mr. Sottile advises there will not be changes. He advises they will be promoting a one-way traffic flow, possibly using arrows. Mr. Sottile confirms that he has no interest in servicing the big trucks, stating that he will have two gas tanks on hand in case of an emergency, he will be able to assist , but that is as far as the service he provides will go.
Ms. Krawet expresses that she has some concern for the safety of the customers that will be walking through the parking lot to get to the store. Mr. Ronzio assures her there will be ample space. Ms. Krawet asks Mr. Sottile if he would be willing to paint safety guidelines; Mr. Sottile agrees that he would.
Mr. Schlanger asks if the driveway is all around the building, Mr. Sottile explains that it is. Board members briefly discuss traffic flow. Mr. Howard Lerner asks what the hours of operation will be. Mr. Sotille advises that the store will be open Monday-Sunday 6:00am-8:00pm.
Ms. LaBelle ask Mr. Sotille to point out which areas will be black topped, Mr. Sottile shows her on the map; stating that all the grey areas are going to be black topped.
Mr. Sottile explains that as far as lighting goes, it will only be on the canopy, facing down. He confirms that there will be absolutely no digital signs, just the prices on the pumps. He states that he will have the hours posted on the door and that when the store closes, the gas station will also close.
Mr. Sotille explains that they do carry propane tanks, Blue Rhino tanks and will continue to carry them. He advises that these are kept on the side of the building.
Mr. Ronzio asks what their contamination and their storm water management plans are? Mr. Miller explains that those items will be taken care of, however come at a high cost, thus they have not yet been completed.
Mr. Lerner expresses some concern regarding their liability and asks what is the largest lawsuit that has currently been filed to date? Mr. Lerner also questions how Mr. Sottile knows that a three million dollar policy will be enough. Mr. Sottile explains that he can’t be completely sure but will take the information under advisement.
Mr. Ronzio states that it is very good that the pumps are actually 20 ft. away from the building, confirming that he only has the best interest of the Town in mind.
Mr. Lerner expresses some concern for traffic congestion and that it may become a problem in the future. Mr. Ronzio states that they would approve the flow of traffic for now, reserving the right to limit or change their approval, pending any issues that may arise.
Mr. Sottile explains that the front parking spots were created for employees and at any given time, up to three people may be working. Mr. Ronzio states that they could move the spaces over a few feet, explaining that this would not interfere with the ball field.
Mr. Sottile assures board members that all the plowing and snow removal will be done by Mr. Craig Willis and that he pushes the banks back so that drivers trying to enter the road can see in order to pull out safely.
Mr. Ronzio suggests to Mr. Sottile that it may be a good idea to put a bit of lighting in the back of the building as well. He also suggests that maybe a bit f landscaping or even a perennial garden would look real nice.
At this point, Ms. LaBelle advises that she would like to hear from each of the departments notified, in writing before the next meeting so that the board may take into consideration any pertinent information proposed. Ms. LaBelle asks the secretary to draft a memo requesting that all town departments respond within 2 weeks of the request, to her in writing; secretary states that she will do so immediately. Gale makes a motion to continue the hearing until May 11th, at which time she will have received requested information for town boards; motion is seconded by Ms. Krawet; Unanimous Approval.
New Business-
Ms. LaBelle informs board members of a possible new application from an applicant that would like to put up an 8 ft. fence. Mr. Ronzio informs Ms. LaBelle that this would be an application for the ZBA, not the planning board.
Mr. Ronzio states that he has written the article to appear on the warrant for Town Meeting.
Budget- Read and Reviewed.
Correspondence- Read and Reviewed.
Mr. Schlanger makes a motion to adjourn the meeting , Mr. Lerner seconds motion: Unanimous approval. Meeting is adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Schedule next meeting for May 11th, 2011
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed_____________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ann Krawet
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Robert Ronzio
Signed_______________________________ Date______________
Martin Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Howard Lerner